
These members have the most Punkte.

Position: 1
Punkte: 12130
Username: LAVEY
Rank: thereby fully
Position: 2
Punkte: 11280
Username: Toter-Teufel
Rank: thereby fully
Position: 3
Punkte: 10320
Username: Tripple_Six
Rank: thereby fully
Position: 4
Punkte: 8988
Username: leiasky1
Rank: thereby fully
Position: 5
Punkte: 1640
Username: gothicengel666
Rank: arises frequently
Position: 6
Punkte: 1627
Username: blutengel1996
Rank: arises frequently
Position: 7
Punkte: 921
Username: DarkDesire
Rank: arises frequently
Position: 8
Punkte: 675
Username: Rocker_94
Rank: arises frequently
Position: 9
Punkte: 390
Username: singletomeet
Rank: arises frequently
Position: 10
Punkte: 300
Username: Dr.Narkotium
Rank: arises frequently
1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  ...  10  |  »  |  Last


You can reach these ranks if you have enough Punkte .

  Rank Punkte
Newcomer 0
arises frequently 100
thereby fully 3000

Punkte earn

The way to earn Punkte :

Action Punkte
New forum post: 20 Punkte
Successful invitation: 100 Punkte
New friend: 6 Punkte
New image uploaded: 10 Punkte
New video uploaded: 10 Punkte
10 minutes online: 5 Punkte